About member's point system

About member's points system

  • For our store members, shopping points will be offered according to purchased price.
  • Points return rate is 1% of the total item price. Points validity is 1year from points offered.
  • When you use some points, points will be offered to the discounted total item price.
    e.g.) when you use 300points to 2000yen total item price: 2000yen-300points =1700yen
    Points will be offered to this "1700yen."


  • Basic points: 1 point for every 100yen of item price
    SALE price items are NOT qualify to offering points.
  • Offered timing: After shipment of order.
    *All points will be offered when last shipment completed in the case that 1 order includes regular sales items and reservation items or items from several reservation series.

Use the points

Please sign-in and specify how points you use before you complete your order.

About "out of stock" items

Points will be able to offered to special orders for "out of stock" items. Please be aware to let us know that you have online member's account when you make your order mail since points will NOT be offered automatically for "out of stock" items.

About the special points items

There is the case that the special points are offered to the individual items. In that case, the individual points have priority over the basic rate.
※This member's point system is available at online store only and incompatible with store member's points.
※After placing an order, any change and cancellation of used points are unacceptable.
※Points from multiple accounts cannot be added up.